Documentation is a significant part of daily Family Preparedness
Why you should listen to me.
Phd Infosec, MS Infosec, CISSP, CEH, etc etc.
Knowing your audience:
Past presentations.
Internet Safety (stake website)
Upcoming presentations.
- Securing Mobile Devices for youth (August 23, 2014 at stake family preparedness fair).
- Free Workshops
Hierarchy of Needs
1) You can survive about 3 SECONDS without SECURITY. BE ARMED & TRAINED!
2) You can survive about 3 MINUTES without AIR.
3) You can survive about 3 HOURS without SHELTER.
4) You can survive about 3 DAYS without WATER. -Manage your risk of unsafe water with filters, storage and multi-layered approach.
5) You can survive about 3 WEEKS without FOOD.
6) You can survive about 3 MONTHS without COMPANIONSHIP.
7) You can survive about 200 years without a “constitutional republic”…before it becomes a mobocracy and everyone votes themselves benefits AKA socialism; where the power hungry use lies to gain power & control…until the system makes good men into monsters, thieves, murders and looters. THIS is the highest IMPACT and most likely EMERGENCY we and our posterity should be preparing for. ITS ALREADY HAPPENED…for the past 100 years!!!
Why do we trend to sin/slavery? The evil-one seeks to make all others miserable like unto himself, he will buy up armies, false-priests and rule & reign with blood and horror—THAT is his program. He OWNS the world and its leaders CURRENTLY, BUT we can bind him TODAY in our own life and someday we will bind him for all humanity with Christ’s help. The principles of the constitution will be established forever, including during Christ’s rule in the millennium…until that day I pray we stand with Christ.
One hour a week, $100 a month (or whatever your budget is) allocated to “Family Preparedness”. Fully justified and good solid investment!
Principles of Holistic Family Preparedness podcasts(free):
Prepare for Everything Including Nothing Going Wrong
Debt Is Cancer Kill It
Grow and Produce Some of Your Own Food
Tax Is Theft Pay Only What You Must
Stored Food is a Safe Investment
Understand Disaster Probability and Commonality
Green Energy Is For Independence Not Saving Polar Bears
Own Land and Make It Produce
Utilize Pragmatic Preparations
Have a Means of Defense
Have Full Documentation for Any Disaster Need
Develop Your Own Plan
TOOLS & Techniques for documenting
Password management.
Password management
I’m finding a lot of friends using the same password for multiple accounts/websites. BAD BAD IDEA!
You may consider something like…a song, for example: I’m a child of God. Take that and make a standard password with a letter from each word.
Then, for each account, you add 3 characters denoting the site/location.
IaacogGOO (goo for google). IaacogAma (Ama amazon). Iaacogksl (ksl for
Storing your documentation
Cloud storage, so long as its encrypted is a great off-site backup.
*** online account password manager & encrypted storage of scanned in docs & modern society.

LastPass Secure Note
Data types I store encrypted offsite (my wife & I share the same encrypted file…and update it).
You may use a simple cipher. All twos(2) are sevens(7).
Risk Mgmt. control mechanism for FIRE, Death, accident, evacuation, convenience for spouses.
- S SNs
- Birthdays and birth certificates.
- Allergies of family members
- online usernames & passwords – my wife has access if I get hit by a bus.
- Email addresses & creds for family members.
- Family Locator details. If kids are lost/stolen…what is their GPS location. Remote GPS enabling and tracking.
- Power of attorney, medical, financial.
- Family Trust Attorney contact info
- Family Trust – shared with trustees
- Major Medical procedures for family. Doctors contact info.
- even a smart phone picture of a marriage license/certificate. Not sure why the govt is even involved in marriages.
- Hotel phone numbers, part of car-kit evac packet (see below).ASSETS:
- Cell phone provider, contact info, login details/creds
- Credit card numbers and fraud hotline numbers in case of lost/stolen credit cards
- Investment creds. Kids 529 (worst idea ever!) funds, Roth IRA, 401k etc
- Smart phone apps – to reinstall if needed
- Telco, ISPs, phone providers.
- Property Deeds & auto titles
- Scan everything in your wallet!
- Educational online creds
- Business details. Disaster Recovery Plan
- Home Warranty details (contact info, account number, coverage)
- Home mortage
- Computer assets
- Hobby Details – AKA ballistics for fav rifle load.
- Degrees & professional certifications.
- College account login
- Student Loans
- Online website account details.
- Tax details, accountant contact info.
- Hunter Education details
- Pre-paid Legal account details — “justified use of deadly force” attorney too. Mitch Vilos’s cell phone!
- Identity Protection account details
- Library account numbers
- Rewards details. Marriott, Hertz, etc etc.
- Employee number and medical insurance login details for spouse!!!
- HOA login details. There is NO freedom in an HOA, move to a free country! walkingtofreedom!
- BSA scouting ID and login.
- Auto, life, home, medical insurance policy numbers and details. Account numbers, contact numbers, website. Insurance agent’s cell phone and work numbers.
- Off-grid “assets” value, Serial numbers.
- Gift Card numbers
- Software License keys
- Utilities details, account
Lastpass attachments of scanned in documents or photo’s of important docs require a browser plugin. See this article about adding encrypted attachments.
Hourly backup of your phone & laptop data! Hopefully to a NAS like synology, but if you can’t afford that, then a cloud (you are the product!…NOT the customer)!!!
I like syncback free
Daily/weekly camera phone backup. Folder Sync
Emergency Preparedness Action Kit PDF, including an awesome documentation checklist.
Create a Vital Records To Go File
One essential task to anyone preparing for any sort of emergency that may require leaving the home is the creation of a binder containing all the family vital records.
Vital records include your important financial documents, medical documents, legal documents, etc.
Here is a pretty comprehensive list of what documents you should be gathering for this folder.
There are five areas of vital documents that we all have. These are personal, financial, legal, household and medical. Each is expanded upon below. The documents in this folder should be copies of the originals. Originals should be stored in a safe place (or in the case of IDs like driver’s licenses, carried on your person.)
Personal Documents
Personal documents include information that is vital to each member of the family. One set of documents should be created for each family member. Personal documents include:
Contact details of relatives and friends. This should be as complete as possible. Name, address, phone, cell phone and email address for each entry on the list is great.
Driver’s licenses and health insurance cards
Any special permits like a concealed carry permit if you are traveling with guns
Recent photographs of each family member and any family pets
Pet vaccination records
Birth certificates
Marriage license
Social Security card
Military service documents
Educational diplomas and certificates
Financial Documents
Financial documents are all documents that relate to your current finances. Documents should include the following:
All property deeds and vehicle titles
Bank records – including account numbers, recent balances and contact details
The front/back of all credit and debit cards
Insurance policies – life, homeowners, health, auto
Car registrations (which should include the VIN number of the cars on them)
Name, address and phone number of all entities that you pay every month – electric, water, etc.
Copies of all your investment documents – bonds, stock portfolios, retirement account portfolios, etc.
Any relevant documents related to your job or business that might be necessary post disaster to allow you to gain access.
Legal Documents
In a transient situation, having a copy of your legal documents is vitally important – especially if they relate to things like child custody. Here is a representative list of legal documents you might need to have in your binder.
Your will
Any trusts you have established
Child custody
Any currently active contracts you may be negotiating. (This could be a contract to buy a home, business, etc.)
Contact details for your attorneys
Household Documents
This collection of documents relates to items pertaining to your household. Many of these items are necessary for working with insurance companies in case of damage or looting. They include:
A copy of your lease if you are renting
Photos of your property – both inside and outside
Photos of any particularly valuable items in your house
Appraisals of any items that you may have with an appraisal
Serial numbers of all your electronics/firearms/high end tools
Receipts showing the price you paid for any expensive items in the house
(Other items like a deed and insurance documents have already been covered in the personal items list.)
Medical Documents
Carrying around a good record of the medical needs of each family member can be vital to getting expedited help in an emergency situation. Medical related items that should be included in the file include:
The blood type of each family member
Contact details for each doctor
Medical history of each family member with any special conditions marked out for quick identification
A list of current prescriptions, prescribing doctor (with contact info.), the dosage and the pharmacy contact details
All medical records and test results relating to a specific medical condition for each family member
Since medical details can be crucial in a medical emergency, it is advisable to create a summary card for each family member listing blood type, allergies, any medication and medical conditions for that person. This card can be supplied to emergency personnel when they arrive to facilitate treatment.
All these document sets can be gathered in a regular three ring binder or better yet, a three ring binder that seals – something like the Black Simulated Leather Zip-around 3-ring Binder. This sort of binder guarantees that none of your documents will spill out if you drop it and it also offers the convenience of storing a variety of useful supplies along with your records.
In addition to a single large document holder, it is also a good idea to make pocket sized information booklets to give to your children to hold during an emergency situation. If they get separated from you, these booklets can be a lifesaver. This smaller booklet should contain the child’s name, parents contact information, relatives contact information and any medical details that are important for this child. A photograph of the family is also a good thing to include in this booklet.
For added safety, it is a good idea to keep photocopies of these documents in to go file and keep the originals in a safe, fireproof place.