I’ve taught Utah Conceal Carry for over 10 years and over that time I have had hundreds of students with various perspectives and questions.
I do NOT like the what IF game, but I do like challenging questions.
Please note, I’m not an attorney and this is NOT legal advice and if you use it as legal advice, you are stealing from me 😉
These are my opinions and many are researched over many years and books/internet. I’m compiling them into one place.
What caliber should I conceal carry?
If in a freestate, 9mm & use defense loads like HST/underwood xtream defense/ FTM.
If in a non-free state and limited in capacity, look at 45 acp.
9mm is the most popular cartridge on the planet. Before Hollow Points, 9mm was weak, but now with modern ammo its a pretty good stopper.
What type of gun should I carry for self defense?
IMO, a P365/Glock 43x or similar(S&W Shield or ez380, Hellcat, xds etc).
IMO, you should have a full sized 9mm for training and home defense, PLUS a compact or sub-compact for conceal carry.
Having a jack of all trades is not ideal IMO. That would be a glock19 or p320 3.9” 9mm, a bit small for training/home defense and a bit too large for conceal carry.
Where can’t I carry a gun in Utah as a permit holder?
Jail, mental institution, or courthouse. Federal buildings like Post office, national park visitor centers. Behind metal detectors.
When am I justified in using deadly force?
When you see a weapon and you believe they are going to use it against you or they tell you they are going to kill/serious bodily injury you. To protect life/prevent serious bodily injury, not property.
What should I do if I’m pulled over while conceal carry?
Consider handing over CFP and drivers license when asked for drivers license. Don’t say you have a weapon as they approach the vehicle, nor say you have a CFP. Just hand CFP & Drivers license to them, IF in Utah and in a legal area to conceal.
If things get “Weird”, consider requesting another officer or their supervisor to come onsite. If they start acting like a criminal dressed as police for example.
Can 18y open carry in Utah?
Yes, if non a felon. MUST be “unloaded” if 18-20y old. Exceptions 18-20y with CFP CAN carry loaded concealed.
Can 18y get a CFP in Utah?
Yes, a provisional permit.
How often do I need to renew my CFP?
5 years, currently it cost $20 to renew online.
What if I let my CFP permit expire longer than a year?
You must start over, meaning new photos/fingerprints and instructor signed CFP application.
Can I carry at church in Utah?

How can I legally bring my firearm when I fly?

What states should I avoid while carrying?
Do I need to keep my address current for my CFP/Utah Drivers license?
Yes, https://bci.utah.gov/concealed-firearm/general-information/address-change/
How long does it take to get a UT CFP?
Utah is a shall issue, so within 60 days of payment/application.
What should I do after a self-defense shooting?
I Asked Massad Ayoob About Saying Nothing
Trouble if you “say nothing to the police after a shooting”. Trouble if diarrhea of the mouth!
What to Say to Responding Officers with Marc Victor
What guidelines are there in Utah for protecting livestock?
I googled it, its not really a self-defense legal topic and I suggest you contact an attorney.
In Utah, if I draw, do I have to shoot? If I don’t shoot, will I be charged with brandishing?
5 million times a year, people stop an attack simply by showing they have a firearm.
In Utah, we passed 76-10-506, which states you may inform an attacker you have a firearm if you believe it will stop the attack.
“Threatening manner does not include: The possession of a dangerous weapon, whether visible or concealed, without additional behavior which is threatening; or Informing another of the actors possession of a deadly weapon in order to prevent what the actor reasonable perceives as a possible use of unlawful force by the other and actor is not engaged in any activity described in Subsection 76-2-402(2)(a) (use of force).”
Essentially, if you are justified in shooting an attacker, you are ALSO justified in showing/telling you have a gun to “prevent” an attack. Does this mean all cops know and support 506? No, but it does help. Its no silver bullet, but it helps.
Can I carry at work?
Most employers will terminate you if you are caught with “conceal carry”.
How long would it take you to find a new job?
How long would it take to replace your spouse?
YOU DECIDE if the outcomes are acceptable consequences and decide TOGETHER.
What states allow conceal carry at school?
Will Utah honor concealed firearm permits from other states?
In accordance with U.C.A. 76-10-523, Utah will honor a permit to carry a concealed firearm issued by another state or county.
How can I secure my firearms in my home/car?
There are car safes that can be tethered to help prevent the removal of the safe from your car.
Where is the safest place for my handgun?
IMO, you should carry all the time, especially in your home. You only have seconds to respond to an attack in your home (and elsewhere).
The most secure place is on your person IMO. If you can’t carry all your guns all the time, secure them in a safe from unauthorized access.
What is the mission of the Handgun?
For an unexpected attack
What is the mission of the freedom rifle?
For an expected attack
What should I do with my firearm after a defensive shoot and police are on their way?
Just about anywhere except in your hands, they do NOT know you are “the good guy”. Remember, the most secure place for your handgun is in your holster on your body. Its not getting lost/stolen nor unauthorized use. Simply holster in the condition it is in after a self defense use.
Assuming, the scene is safe!