If you are like me, your Everyday Carry (EDC) continually evolves based on needs and preferences.
Since the gov-scam lockdowns around covid19/wuflu, I’ve been working from home. Where I have an entire garage full of tools and self-defense tools are plentiful too.
I’ve gone from a kel-tec pf9mm pistol to sig p365 9mm and more recently the p365-380 (10+1 and night sights) in the same size as a glock 42/43 etc.
In fact, the p365-380 is the same size as the p365 9mm, but much lighter.
I’ve had several versions of streamlight protac and more recently switched to the microstream which is about the length of my wallet and fits nicely into my front left pocket with my wallet. Leatherman Rev/Bolster is in the front left pocket using the “pocket clip” too. Even with “skinny pants” it all fits.
I’ve pretty much got everything off my hips. I used to carry a multi-tool, spare mag and flashlight on my left side on my belt.
I love the leatherman clips, but the wave is just a bit too heavy for EDC IMO.
They’ll forever be in my “get home kit” or motorcycle tankbag/bar-bag (Giant Loop zig zag)
When my kids turn 18, they get a Leatherman Wave (if they don’t already have a good multi-tool). I want my kids to have this “tool box” when they go on their mission and off to college.

PROTIP: put electrical tape on the flashlight, so when you put it in your mouth, your teeth don’t grind onto aluminum– and you have electrical tape wherever you go!)

Item | Weight |
SOG DUO (no longer made) | 6.38 OZ |
Leatherman titanium charge TTI | 8.96 OZ |
Leatherman Bolster/Rev | 6.00 oz |
Leatherman Wave | 8.68 OZ |
Leatherman SkelTol | 5.19 oz |
SOG Power Access | 6.10 OZ |
Sog Power Assist (one of my favs, but kind of big/heavy) | |

Streamlight MicroStream (Highly recommended and my new EDC light!)
Leatherman bolster (the Rev is very similar) (highly recommended and my new EDC multi-tool) Also, check out similar Leatherman Wingman, and sidekick. Budget leatherman, but I really like the weight and capability of the rev/bolster/wingman/sidekick (they have slight differences, but same form factor.
Leatherman Charge TTI (I love the upgraded blade and belt-cutter/gut-hook!) $190 on Leatherman’s website!
Streamlight protac duel fuel (amazon says I’ve purchased this item 8 times! lots of gifts to my friends)
The cut everything and abuse blade! The workpro box cutter/razor blade. I’ve bought 54 of these! and given them out as gifts. Great amazon box openers!
- Leatherman Wave
- PROS: Durable, pocket clip, lots of tools including eye glasses tools, I really love the file for fingernails or fitting tools in the field
CONS: Heavier and how many blades do you really need?
- PROS: Durable, pocket clip, lots of tools including eye glasses tools, I really love the file for fingernails or fitting tools in the field
- Leatherman TI Charge
- PROS: I really like the TI look and feel, I LOVE the gut hook or safety seat-belt cutter. I love the high carbon steel blade – sharpened to perfection.
- CONS: A bit pricy, but I love the upgraded blade and gut hook! I lost one at Lagoon last year, lucky I had a label with my phone number on it. IMO the $190 is well worth it and I’m always on the look for a used Charge TTI on ksl classifieds to add to my collection.
- Leatherman Bolster/Rev/wingman/sidekick
- PROS: just one blade, light weight, pliers.
- CONS: I can’t think of any. This is my new FAV EDC multi-tool!
- Costco doesn’t sell these anymore, but the Rev/Wingman/Sidekick is close enough IMO. Make sure you get a pocket clip!
- PROS: Light weight, and about the right amount of tools. I love sogs mechanical advantage pliers jaws!
- CONS: Not made any more
- SOG Power Access
- PROS: Light weight and lots of tools
- CONS: weak knife blade, but if you carry a dedicated badguy blade or “food blade”, you likely don’t care
I’m going to order and test out the Leatherman Skeltool CX. I think the size/weight/capability is pretty spot on!