My 2017 Africa Twin came with Heed Crash bars. I really like them and I’ve dropped my bike without damaging my bike. I like how they cover the upper part of the bike too.
My first adventure on my Africa Twin I learned quickly that I need a better skid plate/bash plate.
At first I thought I’d just do gravel roads, but getting lost and “off trail” I really dented my exhaust, which is not even covered by the factory skid plate! I think the factory skid plate is made out of aluminum….foil.

After taking Fran’s “Dual Sport training class“, I KNEW I wanted to do more with my crf1000l than hit fire roads. Fran gave me the confidence to conquer rivers, steep climbs and loose mountain trails/roads.
One benefit to training with Fran, is clients can order SW Motech and a few other vendors with a large discount!
I found this article that gave me the confidence to “fit the sw motech skid plate to my Heed Crash bars”:
It took me 6 cuts to get it fit’d. If I’d had these photos, I think I could have done it in 2 cuts. I suggest a jig-saw and sanding wheel. I have access to saws all, angle grinder with cut-off wheel, but the jig saw with fine toothed blade was perfect!
NOTE: You do NOT need to take off the SW motech center stand in order to put your skid plate on!

- Do NOT have the cut part rub on the HEEDs crash bar!
- Also, once proven fit’d correctly, I suggest you knock the sharp edge off with a sanding wheel or dremel with a sanding wheel.
- locktite thread locker all bolts!

If it has overheating issues, after blue engine ice, I will use a step-bit to make a few small holes.
Hey, I’m on the “cover” of Everide’s Youtube video! We Crash, we heal!

We Crash. We heal!