DISCLAIMER: I do NOT recommend you put the wrong cartridge in your firearm! If you do so, you risk your own safety and are personally responsible.
My motorcycle gun is a sig p320 in .357 sig. I want to be ready for a venomous snake while on my motorcycle trips/adventures. All non-venomous snakes get a pass, cuz they compete with venomous snakes and I’d really like to ensure me, my kids/family and pets/livestock do not get bit by a venomous snake.

SEE ALSO: improvised 10mm snakeshot for a woods gun
I tried to buy some shotshell (snake shot) for my 357 sig, but could not find any.
I tried a SW 40 shotshell, but it would not chamber in my 357 sig chamber.
Last night had I had a crazy idea to try 9mm shotshell, yes, it fit “mostly” in the chamber and the slide would fully close.
So, this morning I tested two 9mm shotshells in my 357 sig chamber.
First would not fire, so I tap-rack-flip’d (type1 malfunction drill) and the 2nd shotshell fired, but failed to eject (FTE). I was concerned I’d have to pound it out, but, type1 response fixed it. Looking at the failure-to-fire (FTF) I could see a light primer strike.
FTE is VERY common with shotshell loads because it doesn’t have the pressure to cycle the gun fully. Making a non-factory 357 sig would be very difficult – the ultimate snake load would be a 10mm magnum sized several times so it would fit. Include the smallest .380 “ball” and fill the rest with #4 or #6 shot(testing would be needed, it is possible the larger shot would spin in a rifled barrel and thus a #9-#10 might perform better).
I took a step back and tried another target with the first shotshell and it fired.
My plan is to have three hollow points–1 HP in chamber, 2 more HP in mag, followed by a shotshell. On my motorcycle I don’t carry a spare mag, or I could do a “select snake tactical reload”.
Here are the photos of the targets and the blown out casings.