Everyone realizes that communication is important for communities…especially during an emergency event like a fire/flood.
Being able to communicate/coordinate instantly with a small/large group is a huge advantage to resolve problems and assist neighbors that are suffering after an emergency event.
Cellular networks are often damaged by natural or man-made disasters. They are also shut off in certain threat scenarios. Many cellular networks are over whelmed at conferences, let alone during an emergency.
I HIGHLY suggest you get radio equipment and practice it weekly. When you are stressed or low on sleep etc is NOT the time to sort out radio communications!
IMO there should be a “work group frequency (Freq)” and a “leadership” freq. Frequent “radio nets” to test/validate the radios and train new persons before an emergency event.
Please contact me if I can help you program a radio!
Here are my ham radio blog articles:
There are frequencies you can use w/o a license! Our stake/neighborhood we have a non-ham freq for non-licensed persons to use and a “leadership freq” which requires a ham radio license.
We also have a radio for all church leaders, 3 per ward.
With this antenna:
https://signalstuff.com/product/super-elastic-signal-stick-sma-female/ (SMA female for the uv5r & get the 2 meter 70cm & spacer is suggested).
This antenna increases your radios performance drastically.
Becoming a Licensed HAM radio operator can be done for under $20 and under 10 hours of study. This license is good for 10 years.
To learn the material and find a testing location, please see: https://hamstudy.org/tech2018
If I can be of assistance to get you and your radio squared away, please contact me.

quick-how-to for stake:
ITS article – best kept radio secret (murs)
https://signalstuff.com/product/super-elastic-signal-stick-sma-female/ (SMA female for the uv5r).
https://amzn.to/3hJWJRv LIVIQILY 1000D Nylon Outdoor Tactical Pouch Sports Pendant Military Molle Radio Walkie Talkie Holder Bag Hunting Magazine Pouches Pocket
https://amzn.to/3iGOPJK KS K-STORM Covert Acoustic Tube Walkie Talkie Earpiece Headset with Mic for 2 Pin Kenwood Two Way Radio, PU Material, Black (Kenwood)
https://amzn.to/3c2ueNo 6xAA Battery Case Shell Black for Two Way Radio for Baofeng UV-5R UV-5RE Plus
https://amzn.to/2RtuFae ExpertPower Baofeng UV-5R Extended True Capacity Battery (Model: BL-5L, 3800 mAh, Black) DM-5R
https://amzn.to/3koP64o Baofeng 2.5mm USB Charger Cable with Indicator Light for BaoFeng UV-5R 3800mAh BL-5L High Capacity Battery
Programming cable that works with MAC/OSX!
Q: What are common non-licensed frequencies?
A: see this sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KK64VAipFLsRklW6vPJZMWSofjxo3NEkXX8ANSxgxB8/edit?usp=sharing
Q: What is the quickest/most efficient way to get my Radio License?
A: http://hamstudy.org/ (do NOT sign-up for a Saturday, they will read you the questions and waste your time).
Q: Can I take my ham radio test online?
A: Yes, you can take it in person or online, see http://hamstudy.org
bring TWO forms of ID to the test.
Q: Approx. how much does the test cost?
A: Usually under $15
Q: How long is my license good for?
A: 10 years
Q: How can I protect my SSN when signup up with the FCC?
A: https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/support/universal-licensing-system-uls-resources/getting-fcc-registration-number-frn
Q: How would I manually enter a frequency?
A: Hit the orange VFO/MR button (assuming the radio is unlocked (see blue lock key on the bottom right of the keypad). Once in VFO/MR mode, you can enter the freq you want. To get back to the programmed channels, hit teh VFO/MR button again.
Q:How do I toggle from the top to the bottom in order to transmit?
A: ensure the radio is unlocked, and hit the A/B button, you’ll see the indicator move. Please do NOT transmit on a ham freq unless you have a license.
Q: Where does it say the FCC allows MURs frequency to be used by unlicensed Persons?
A: https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/multi-use-radio-service-murs
Q: How do I find local repeaters and local HAM geeks to help me?
If you are licensed, get on a repeater near you and ask for help. Another way is to find Members of the Church (maps.lds.org) and they usually have someone called to be the radio specialist.
Q: How do you choose a frequency to use for your buddy network/family?
A: Assuming they are all licensed hams, find a frequency in the 440 band that is not used in your area.
Q: How do you learn how to operate the radio?
A: You watch my video above and read my blog articles & PRACTICE
Q: Can you hear fire/police on uv5r radios?
A: Not anymore as most police have gone to digital frequencies
Q: Why do I want my radio programmed?
A: So you have local frequencies as memory channels you can just toggle to and not have to enter them manually. This is especially important for repeaters because they have offsets and tones which is very difficult to program on the uv5r unless you have chirp and a programming cable; then it is pretty easy.
Q: Should I worry and be consumed with EMP?
A: If we have an EMP, you’ll have much bigger problems than a radio not working. Once you start down the path of EMP, forever will you be! You can buy mil-spec anti-EMP bags. I hear storing in ammo cans helps too.
Q: How should I store my radio for long term storage?
A: I suggest you separate your battery and flip it over so its near by so the radio doesn’t drain your battery. Even stored with the battery out, you should charge is 2-3 times a year.
Q: Thomas programmed my radio for me and it mostly has Utah Frequencies. If I’m out of state or I move, can I still use this radio?
A: Yes, you’ll want to find a local ham geek to re-program your radio or google them and put them into chirp.
Q: Does the type and length of antenna matter?
A: absolutely, the antenna is the most important part of the radio for performance.
Q: What is “Net control” for a busy busy frequency during an emergency?
A: Net control coordinates who can transmit when there are hundreds of operators on the same frequency. Its a human that follows protocols for organizing “traffic”.
Q: What are all these frequencies Thomas programmed into my radio?
A: They all have a short alphanumeric that will remind you what it is. I don’t know what all the memory channels are, but I get reminded when I see the text on the A/B. Instead of stressing on all the freq, get one you use with your family and the local ERC freq for your town. This is also in my google sheet >
We def need to do better learning how to use these radios. I do at least.
I know enough to stumble through, can change channels if needed outside the programed ones.