Last October we came into a lot of hamburger that is lean. So I cranked up our smoker and started to refine my jerky recipe.
JERKY I’ve finally “perfected” my home-made jerky recipe! After 18 versions, its just right for me. Those that attend the free workshop go home with free home-made jerky. We’ll build the jerky together. Our build won’t be done in time for the end of the workshop, so you’ll go home with the previous build. I’ve heard from many people this is the best jerky they have ever tasted. This is about 18 iterations of slight changes to get to perfection. Email me if you would like to order a ziplock bag of non-govt (NG) Jerky. Thomas’ NG Jerky Recipe: 4 lbs hamburger – LEAN 2 tablespoons seasoning salt 2 tablespoons of Montreal Steak Seasoning(costco) 1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoon sweet mesquite seasoning (from costco) extra pepper is ground on top before it goes into the smoker. (I seriously grind about half a grinder full of black pepper corns) 4-6 hardwood “discs” for smoking, which is only enough wood-smoke for about an hour. Bradley Smoker at 125 degrees. (Traeger for 4 hours at 150 degrees, rotating racks 2-3 times. 5-6 hours if using ticker nozzle) 1 packet of jerky cure & seasoning per 2 lbs. |
Smoker with jerky strips ready to go in.

former rack on the left. Note flat nozzle attachment to jerky-gun
close-up of jerky strips before going into smoker
Completed Jerky:

Cheyenne Pepper
Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Finished Jerky
Makes me hungry just looking at the photos 😉