Last weekend, I attended the basic pistol class from Marksmanship Matters with a Ruger 1911 (nightwatchman).See my other recaps on Marksmanship Matters.
I’ve taken every class offered by Marksmanship Matters (MM) at least once, some several times since 2011.
I wanted to take the class with a 1911 because Larry is an excellent instructor with all weapon systems, but especially the 1911 (and M9/Glocks). New students are strongly encouraged to take the class WITHOUT a manual safety or decocker pistol (there is enough to learn and do right w/o adding complexity!).
My Ruger 1911 Night Watchman
I’ve been having a hard time getting good groups with my 1911. Even day 3 when we sighted in, the instructor’s sight-in groups were not especially good at 12 yards. But by the end of the class I was rock’n the 1911!
I did make a sight adjustment. Its SO hard to adjust if it is less than 1″ at 12yards. I tried adjusting my rear sights & later discovered there is a set-screw!
I really enjoyed running the 1911 professionally. NO BAD PRESSES the entire course!
Main take-aways on the 1911 for the Basic Pistol Class:
- Hard hitting, proven go to war system!
- There is romance in running the manual safety professionally and knowing you are shooting history.
- Heavy all steel gun means less felt recoil, even with a major caliber like the 45 acp.
- Awesome snake loads, best of any auto-pistol IMO.
- If your situation is one where it would be an advantage to have a manual safety.
- Great range gun, bigger heavier guns are easier to shoot…not so easy to carry 24x7x365!
- Everyone needs at least one 1911, and safe queen/gun jewelry!
- Jeff Cooper/Larry Mudgett & others can’t be wrong!
- The perfect man-tinker-toy! You can upgrade forever and tweak and tinker for years on one frame!
- Lets face it, in the 1911 era…your choices were a 38 special or M9 monstrosity! I’d pick the 1911 every time! As Jeff Cooper said, the M9 is a solution to a nonexistent problem (unless of course you have a bunch of military goons that can’t get the training they need to keep their finger off the trigger…then the M9 is perfect cuz that 17 lbs trigger is going to keep everyone safer!)
- Bring back Captain America’s 1911! yeah…where the heck did the movie-star 1911 go?!?
- Heavy
- Somewhat “high maintenance” compared to modern poly-guns. 1911s require more “up-keep” & cleaning…based on my experience.
- limited capacity
- slower follow up shots, even with aggressive recoil management.
- Often pricy to purchase & even more pricy to have it “gun smithed”.
- Additional training & mileage to run efficiently in a “combat/self-defense scenario”
My favorite 1911 makers:
- Colt…of course. Too bad their unionist mgmt goons ruined the company. Ruger should have bought the “colt rights” and told the mgmt goons to take a hike! I have a 100 year anniversary edition Colt…as Browning made/designed it! classic beauty!
- Ruger. I DO love the 70s series 1911s. the 80 series has extra “govt goon safeties”, which results in a worse trigger.
- I’ve been really impressed with the S&W 1911 (google nutfancy 1911 smith & wesson).
- Sig. I really like the desert tan/ambi-safety SIG 1911. I may buy one someday!
- Kimber…I think they are over priced and I hear they use softer metals so the pretty tooling is easier on their machines. I don’t think they are shooters, I think they are not made to be shot over 20,000 cartridges. They are pretty, but I want mine to be a tool and I also love my Colt gun jewelry!

Failure drill:

*** solution to “stuck mags & stuck slide”. builds many mags for many manufacturers and OEMs them. I’ve found them to be very good magazines.
Photo of shortened slide-stop-pin & 3m friction tape.
1911 Mods
IMO, the ruger is about the perfect 1911. Series 70 w/o the lawyer safety, good build…tough, craftsmanship & affordable.
I did a few mods.
- I love the mec-gar magazines. Amazing fit & finish, crazy spring tension. Works great. Steel feedlips
- Anti-slip tape on the front of the pistol grip (see photos above).
- I took 2mm off the slide-stop-pin, so I don’t accidentally push it out while my finger is straight on the frame.
- Magpul stocks…I ordered BOTH the normal and aggressive stippling. I decided I like the aggressive! The FDE/Tan & black look amazing!
- nightsights! 80% of attacks are in the dark…have the tactical advantage!

threadmate is awesome for non-permanent anti-screw-backout.
Love the 1911. Like a rocking horse when you are used to the recoil. I like your comments and agree with there being nothing like the feel of hitting steel with the 230 gr .45 acp. You definitely know you hit the target.