Many have contacted me asking for my thoughts and input on the Sig P365.
With any self-defense system, reliability and durability is number one. Of course ideally we’d have a rifle, but those are hard to conceal. So we get by with “service pistols 4″+ barrels and 15+ capacity” or a sub-compact like a Sig P365. We all agree that a sub-compact on our person is better than a full sized pistol in the safe.
The two most important features of the Sig P365 to me is FIRST the 10+1 Capacity and SECOND is the night sights. Few sub-compacts come from the factory with night sights.
Here are some comparison photos of the size of the XDs 9mm, S&W Shield 9mm and the Sig P365. I think nutnfancy and I are the only ones on the planet that love the keltec pf9. I retired my pf9 after 10 years of conceal-carry because the Sig p365 is so “pocket carry” friendly.

Glock 43 top (8rd mag shown), sig p365 middle(12 rd mag shown), sig p238 bottom (7 rd mag)

p365 with my Foxy Mag Pouch (FMP)

oh yes, I do love the stippling of the p365!

left: p365, middle shield, right xds

top: p365 10+1, middle shield 7+1, xds ext mag is 8+1

p365 top, shield middle, xds bottom
PROS of Sig p365
- 10+1 capacity with a 12+1 mag option
- Night sights from factory
- reliable/rugged Sig (sure, the first release had some issues that appear to be resolved).
- Pocket carry (size and slide slant aid in pocket carry ability)
- stippling is excellent
- shoot-ability is great, even w/o the mag ext it was very shootable and recoil was manageable unlike the PF9 (extreme recoil on PF9).
- +P rated
- great trigger
Cons of P365
- I really can’t think of any cons, even the price is reasonable if you factor in the night sights and you don’t have to take it to a gun smith or wrestle with swap’n the sights. I have a close friend that waited over a year to get his night sights installed. Most believe that 80% of attacks are at night. You REALLY need to be able to identify the threat with a light and use night sights for good sight-pictures.
PROS of S&W Shield
- I really do love the manual safety for a purse carry niche(for the ladies).
- price. Its really hard not to buy more shields given their price and strategically place them where I might need them.
- The shield was my most recommended sub-compact due to excellent ergonomics and price/value.
Cons of Shield:
- Until the P365, we didn’t know we needed 10+1 in a smaller gun than the Shield. now that the P365 is an option, the really only con I can think of for the shield is limited capacity.
Pros of xdS:
- I really love the grip safety for added peace of mind, especially for storing the dark or in a “hidden” area of a vehicle.
- slimmest of the 3 compared in this article.
- the excellent galco shoulder holster fits the xds and glock 43.
Cons of the xds:
- price for the 9mm version
- really no big downside, these three are all excellent choices IMO.
P365 comparing magazine sizes.

Sig p238 top, p365 middle, g43 bottom

P238 top, p365 middle, G43 bottom

P238 top, P365 middle, G43 bottom

G43 top, P365 middle, p238 bottom

P238 top, p365 middle, G43 bottom

P365 top, G43 bottom