So, there is a new gun out and you can’t find a place to buy a holster from?
This blog article will show you how you can make your own holster. I’ve done many workshops teaching people how to make holsters. Everyone I’ve ever taught would rather purchase the holster
I’ve made about 500 “Foxy Tuck” holsters over the years. Its kind of a hands on hobby and helps pay for my addictions with firearms.
Over the years I’ve refined the “Foxy Tuck” with continuous improvements.
Shopping LIST:
- .6 kydex for holsters >
- .8 kydex for pouches >
- Leather – its hard to cut and I have a custom stamp for 4 main sizes. I use Weaver Leather
- Rivet and leather punch set >
- heat gun > (if you get into this hobby, you’ll want a toaster oven too)
- I made a vacum press, but for your own, you could use a foam press or just leather gloves and form it. Heat kydex until about 350 degrees
- PROTIP: cut with scissors (much safer than bandsaw/jigsaw IMO)
I use similar to > Kobalt 8-in Serrated Molded Grip Scissors
Or > - Chicago Screw, I’d go with 1/4″ >

I have a template for the Foxy Pouch, even works for the 5.7!