UPDATE: January 2024, I got a CMMG 9mm upper, so I’m adding details about my review of that system too.

I wanted to test accuracy and reliability of the three PCCs (MPX, EPC and AK-v)

I’ve had my MPX for a long time and never felt the need to branch out to other PCC (pistol caliber carbine). I also felt for many many years that a PCC was a “range toy”. Which it is and so much more! Including a truck gun, get home gun and general self-defense that matches your other handguns.

If you are going to have a carbine, let it be a rifle caliber! But, I like shooting steel and doing steel drills closer up than 100 yards. The PCC is also handy for a truck gun, having the same caliber as a handgun makes sense to me.

If you’ve never shot a PCC, they are FAST, FUN and a great time! I’d say with a red dot and stock/brace, they are 2-3x faster than a traditional handgun!

So, I built out a EPC 9 and put a red dot on it (holosun 510c). This was in my truck with 5 27 rd mags for about 6 months. The EPC 9 takes “glock style mags”.

Having glock mags on the EPC 9 seems like a big benefit, but they do not load as easily as the ak-v mags nor the sig mpx mags. 

If your truck system/get home systems uses glock mags for the handgun and PCC, then maybe this is a good option for you.

For me, after these tests, I plan to off load the Aero Precision EPC 9 and keep the MPX and ak-v.

In the past, holosun 515 or 510 have been my go to red dot. I think I’m changing to Sig Romeo 5 going forward. Higher volume/lower price and works with the juliet 3x magnifier. 

Similar to a 357 lever gun and revolver, having a handgun and “carbine” of the same caliber makes sense to me.  Also, 9mm benefits from a longer barrel ballistically (for power, accuracy and distance)

One of the most common calibers in the world is the 9mm and 22lr.

I strongly suggest you look into getting a PCC in 9mm.

I would recommend the PSA AK-V 9mm. Mine came with 10 35 rd mags for about $1,000! and a really great pistol brace that looks and works great!

left to right: EPC9 (pistol brace from factory > ak-v 9m (pistol brace from factory) and Sig MPX SBR’d via gov-scam-tax
PROTIP: 3-lug muzzle device means sharing the suppressor love is fast and easy!…and sometimes HOT

One of the funnest guns I’ve ever shot! The PSA AK-V does not disappoint! only 350 rounds loaded and ready for the socialist apocalypse

CMMG 9mm upper review

I tried the mat9 and it did not work with my mag-dump trigger, so I returned it to opticsplanet and got the CMMG 9mm.

I did some research and I saw some other “mag dump triggers” working with the CMMG 9mm upper, so I ordered one of those.

It works fantastic! So much so, I sold my PSA AKV 9mm. I doubt anything non-ak would be even close to as reliable as an akv.

Pros of the cmmg ar9

  • With a rotating-like bolt, no need to have a super heavy bolt!
  • Lower recoil than any other PCC I’ve shot. Seems even less than the mpx, but they are likely very close.
  • Also another advantage of the radial bolt is much much less toxic fumes in the face while shooting suppressed.
  • works with magdump trigger from BDU
  • No need to have a unique ar15 lower, as you can use 9mm adapter mags and use a standard ar15 lower
    • https://cmmg.com/adapter-magazine-9-ar-conversion-10-30rd-2-pack
    • Takes seconds to convert a normal pmag into a 9mm pmag!
    • If you live in a commie-state like Cali, you can snip it for 10 rds, but in freestates, you can get the full 30rd (you never had enough time or ammo in a gunfight, so the govscam makes you have less ammo, they don’t care about you!)

CONS of the cmmg 9 upper

  • If you use the converted 9mm adapters, the mags can get pricy. About $45 per mag if you include the pmag and adapter insert.

This is the version I got (the 5″ 9mm banshee)

Protip! They have a NRA Instructor discount program! Its called their “Pro Purchase form“. 40% off! You can buy 1 firearm per year and 2 uppers! The accessories have a discount, but its variable on the percentage.

Trigger Comparison

GunTrigger weightImpressions
ak-v with franklin3lbsexcellent trigger for an ak
ak-v with ALG trigger1almost 5 lbsexcellent trigger for an ak
MPXI upgraded to an overpriced geissele
EPCgood trigger and easy to be super accurate
CMMGstandard ar15 triggergiven standard, it can be as nice as you’d want


As you can see, the EPC9 has the best consistent groups and shoots just about any of the ammo I tested equally well.  Then the ak-v9 followed by the MPX 9.

Distance about 50 yards and prone position. After a 10 shot group, I would make adjustments to the red dot. I also turned the red dot down as much as I could and still see it for precision. I would also aim carefully at the top right corner of the post-it note.

As far as most reliable. I would say, given my limited testing. The ak-v wins reliability on diff ammo. Followed by EPC9 and then last is mpx. In the past the MPX has done well with steel cased ammo and just about any ammo I fed it, but for some reason it does NOT like Super Vel ammo (I will re-test with adjusting the gas).

Get yourself one of these PCCs, you won’t regret it. I kind of want to take an ar-15 class with a AR9 (well, its going to be a MPX, but close enough…or maybe even the AK-v!

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One Response to Comparing three PCC 9mms – Sig MPX 9mm, Aero Prec EPC9 and PSA’s ak-v 9mm

  1. maria says:

    The Blog is very infromative

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