by ThomasE
I have EXTENSIVE mileage with these products and I can recommend them without hesitation! I stake my reputation on this gear. I KNOW you will be happy with this gear!

sog dua multi-tool, protac 1aa & uniball pen

Yep, I made those pouches.

emergency bandage (IBD) with gaffer-tape, sypderco endura wave, husky “box cutter”, spare cash in phone case along with some micro-lock-picks

In-case-of-emergency (ICE) phone number of emergency contact on mobile-device.

My custom made pouches (Light, Multitool, spare-mag)
- GUN: Your firearm of choice. For me it is usually a kel tec pf9 or S&W shield. (AND spare magazine).
- Other days, I’ll often have a XD/XDM, LOVE these guns! See my article “Selecting the right handgun”.
- COMMUNICATION: Cell phone (smart phones are awesome for what you can get done and research…but battery fails too quickly). Consider a “battery backup charger” or THISone for your phone. THIS has saved me many times!
- TIME: SIMPLE watch, being an IT guy and seeing technology FAIL all the time, I LOVE a simple watch. Citzen’s ecodrive are my favorite because you never change the battery, they recharge via solar. Saves time & money and never have to swap the battery! and MAY survive an EMP. My next eco drive watch will be the Military version.
- Snake loads (birdshot in a pistol cartridge). Believe it or not, I bump into rattlesnakes pretty often.
- Discrete EDC “tactical non-tactical pants”. I started with the 5.11 taclite, then I found the blackhawks that were more “professional”, but I’ve arrived at what I believe to be the perfect EDC tactical/non-tactical pants. VERTX Phantoms. I like how discrete they are and I still have a awesome phone pocket, and pocket for my major-medical. The only thing I’d change is the front pockets, seem too big for pocket carry (they spill my contents on the couch if I’m not careful). Also the wave-open/emerson open knives have a hard time catching the wave to deploy the knife…so I end up carrying my wave in the right rear pocket.
- Tactical Pants. For the range I LOVE 5.11 taclite pro pants The 5.11 have a more aggressive slant rear pocket and a “utility” strap in the rear, that doesn’t look as professional as the blackhawk pants IMO. Try them, you’ll LOVE them. and they last forever!
- Vertx phantom for the office, and taclite pro or blackhawk for adventures. I slightly prefer 5.11 for the range, over blackhawks (blackhawks have those nasty elastic loops in their pockets…and its a hassle when you have ammo/brass in there and they get tangled).
- KNIFE: Spyderco’s Endura WAVE knife. I’ve owned 40+ knives in my life, but this one is the best for daily carry IMO! I’ve owned emerson CQC waves and they are awesome too, but pricy. Endura is a 4″ blade that has awesome steel and doesn’t cost as much as a gun 🙂 google nutnfancy and endura!!! After owning this knife for since 2011 s and carrying it EVERYDAY, I don’t need to look any further for a folding knife. I have dozens of friends that saw mine, and had to have their own! I Love the wave-open feature for speedy deploy of the blade.
For fixed blade EDC, I LOVE the Esee 4 (molle). I especially like the inside-the-waist-band conceal carry of the ESEE 4! on the support side, lots of options there. If your primary side is injured, you can deploy the fixed blade. Or you can deploy both knife & gun. Having a mini-chopper knife in the wilderness…priceless. weight is minimum, but utility is awesome too! - FLASHLIGHT: Streamlight 1AA protac FLASHLIGHT. THIS is my daily carry flashlight inside my Foxy Flash Pouch. I forget I have it, until I need it. I use it ALMOST everyday.
PROS of stream-light
1) instant HIGH for target identification (80 lums)
2) Not too tall/long, that it rubs your ribs in a Mag Pouch (see below).
3) water resistant.
4) $40 ish
5) touch or click ON.
6) 3 touch modes. HIGH, strobe, low. I LOVE the LOW, so I can see working on non-tactical projects (its not too bright on LOW setting)
7) battery life seems really good. In 12 months, I’ve replaced the batteries ONCE; and I use it everyday.
See also protac AA (120 lums vs 80 lums) a bit fatter than AAA, but awesome!
nutnfancy reviews this flashlight: I have carried & love each of these flashlights & each one has its niche
Protac AAA
Protac 2AA
- I have carried & love each of these flashlights & each one has its niche
- MULTITOOL Sog PowerAssist — I have carried this everyday for 18 months! I LOVE the mechanical advantage pliers! I also LOVE the “assisted” blades (great when you are wearing gloves). I LOVE the case (easy on, easy off)! I also like that I can swap the blades without having to send it to the manufacturer. Good value for about $65!
- After 5 years of powerassit, I have switched to a smaller/lighter version call the SOG DUO
- After 5 years of powerassit, I have switched to a smaller/lighter version call the SOG DUO
- Weapon Mounted light- You can NEVER fire at “shapes” in the dark. You MUST target identify!!!
I recommend this for cost/benefit ratio:
Nutnfancy’s review of the TLR-3 - Tactical Med/Israeli Bandage Battle Dressing - utility knife so I don’t dull my “dedicated bad-guy blade”
- Nutnfancy Recommended Uni-Ball Vision Stick Rollerball Pens, Fine Point in my multi-tool Foxy Pouch (they both fit in there!)
- Foxy Mag Pouch, Foxy Flash Pouch, Foxy multi-tool pouch! Yep, I make custom kydex pouches for Everyday Carry!
RANGE ITEMS I recommend:
- mechanix gloves! I’ve owned and worn out expensive 5.11 tactical gloves, but these $20 gloves are awesome for protecting your hands from sharp guns(AK47s and 1911).
Great for moving folks and doing work too. - Ops bag (ok, not my daily carry, but an awesome “operations bag” to belt and leg and have a shoulder strap. not too big, not too small.
- Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff (TACTICAL advantage; great for hearing bad guys breathing and walking on carpet in the other room at night in your home, or out on the range). WARNING, your best friends/family will “STEAL your hearing protection”, so label them and ensure you get them back when folks barrow them from you! nutnfancy’s review
and then…you have your car-kit; which includes your “get home bag”, your medical-kit, your car-kit (mechanical) and possibly an evac-kit (72 hr kit).
I’m still in search of the following, but I have not found any I would recommend. Let me know if you find the ideal “systems”.
1) The perfect Belt …I have NOT found the perfect belt. I saw one that is coming out soon at shotshow, it will be called: reeve specops belt titium (it does NOT have the nasty “rigger” appearance. Today I’m using cabela’s nylon.
2) Conceal carry shirt for TALL people. I LOVE the 5.11 covert shirts, but I have to order 2x size too large…and it is STILL not long enough for me 🙁 (Considering starting a tall tactical Taylor 😉
What the perfect shirt looks like to me:
Tall enough to cover a inside the waistband holster/pistol.
cool/rugged material. Square at the bottom for “untucked tools” 😉
Quality material that will LAST…and LAST.
One discrete pocket (not too geeky like a lot of fly fishing shirts).
I’m currently field testing:
I’m currently testing:
Cabela’s “Perfekt™” Casual Oxfords by Meindl