UPDATE: XDM 10mm Holster build photos & order form.
Released Oct 10, 2018. I purchased this online 10/10/2018…can you tell, I LOVE the 10mm!
Received Oct 17, 2018. Its SN is between 500-600, so not surprisingly, I got a pretty low SN.
15+1 fully loaded with gun is 2 lbs & 9 oz (41 oz).
my xd/xdm 9mm 5″ holster fits the xdm 10mm holster!
AND the blackhawk 9/40 mag-pouch fits the 10mm magazine! (this was NOT true of the g20).
UPDATE: the xdm .45 acp spectre holster fits my 10mm! I did heatgun the spare-mag pouch and put two indents to significantly increase retention for the spare mag (ITS PERFECTION for under-arm holster system!)
Xdm .45 magazine width= |
23.94 |
24.33 |
=Xdm 10mm magazine width |
Xdm .45 magazine length= |
35.06 |
35.30 |
=xdm 10mm magazine length |
Xdm .45 slide width= |
27.37 |
27.43 |
=xdm 10mm slide width |
Xdm .45 lower and slide =height |
43.48 |
43.72 |
=xdm lower and slide height |

xdm 45 acp magazine mic’d

xdm 45 slide mic’d

xdm lower and slide mic’d

xdm 10mm mags mic’d
I bought from:
For $550 and with rebate will get 3 extra mags. So 5 mags & xdm 10mm for $550.
My buddy Craig should have these in stock soon:
It didn’t take long to decide between 4.5” and 5.25” barrel length. I got the 4.5” for portability and I don’t have plans to hunt with this system and the extra ¾ “ is just a hassle for holsters and carrying. I do own a 5.25 xdm in 9mm and love that system too, but that is a range gun for me.
Some data points you should consider.
- 10,000 rounds of 10mm shot through one lucky xdm to verify its ruggedness. Yep, no failures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83EpENxUJKM
- SA says they’ve ran over 30,000 rounds of 10mm through their test xdm 10mms.
- SA marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiMf_eo4nNw
- https://www.springfield-armory.com/xdm-10mm-features/
- 15+1 magazines (verse 13+1 for 45 acp).
- I love the grip safety for added peace of mind…especially while operating a vehicle (UTV/motorcycle).
- I do like the default ambi-mag and slide release of XD*
- The ergos are top notch IMO, only surpassed by M&P and sig p320s…but they don’t offer a 10mm
- The xdm points just like a FN, S&W, Sig, 1911 and any other pistol except the odd glocks(glock fans…don’t be overly sensitive. I’ve owned about 5 too many glocks including several g20s…if you like glocks…great, if not great.). Glocks are better than Beretta m9s and H&Ks pistols IMO.
- Match barrel and match trigger…from the factory.
- The xdm 10mm will make my 10th XD variant in my collection (I have several XD, XDs, and now 4 XDms).
- More folks can use the xdm grip vs glock grip. My hands are large enough this is moot for me.
Ammo recommendations:
For large predator defense.
- http://www.brownells.com/ammunition/handgun-ammo/10mm-auto-220gr-hi-tek-coated-hard-cast-flat-nose-20-box-sku105003579-122669-227926.aspx
- HEAVY 10MM OUTDOORSMAN – 220 gr. Hard Cast – FN (1,200 fps/ME 703 ft. lbs.) 20 Round Box
For venomous snakes:
I plan to use 40SW shotshell in my 10mm chamber. Shotshell usually has a Failure to eject (FTE) anyway. And so long as I clean chamber I doubt the soft lead will affect the xdm riflings for so few shotshells (a few to test at different distances and then a few venomous snakes).
Holster recommendations:
Being so new it might take some holster makers to add XDM 10mm to to their lineup. Well, LFD can make you a XDM 10mm holster Starting Oct 19th, 2018.
Foxy Tuck is a great option for conceal carry xdm 10mm!
For woods gun application, I ordered
I have this holster for my sig p320 .357 sig and I LOVE the holster! I ordered one for the 10mm 🙂
I contacted SA about the size difference between the XDM 45 acp and xdm 10mm. This was their response.
Thank you for your inquiry and congratulations on your new XDM 10mm!
The only size dimension that I can see that is different from the 4.5” .45 ACP and your 10mm is the length… and it’s very slight.
The .45 ACP is 7.6” and the 10mm is 7.7”. I would recommend contacting Gun Fighters Inc. to see if they can confirm the fit.
Thus, IMO the spectre 45ACP holster could be modified with a heat gun IF NECESSARY. Once I get one, I’ll let you know for sure…and likely make a video of it.
It is too bad we can’t order night sights from the factory…yet for the the xdm 10mm.
Night Sights (I prefer the traditional sights for precision shooting )
On the glock 20, I bought a 40SW barrel (and a 9×25 barrel), but with the XDM if I really really run out of ammo in some survival fantasy world, I know I can shoot 40SW out of a 10mm chamber (I did one full magazine or 40 SW through my g20 barrel…and the XDM is a stronger chamber). I’m NOT recommending you shoot 40 SW in the wrong chamber!!!!(YOU are responsible for your safety…so do NOT do it!)
xdm 10mm with 40sw shotshell at 6′
4 shots 10mm @ 10′
10mm at 15 yards
snakeshot at 10 feet

XDM 10mm shooting 40 SW
Installing night sights xdm 10mm
As I’ve said many times, one of the downsides to XD/XDMs is their sights are extremely TIGHT(once its done, this becomes an advantage).
I think this the 4-6th set of night sights I’ve installed on XD*
Here are the photos.
Please note, the red handled channel lock pliers are super long with lots of leverage. I used painters tape and still scratched/mar’d the slide THROUGH the tape because I had to squeeze the slide so tight as it was tilting as I was pushing the sight out.

This photo shows the scratches. Hey, its a tool and I plan to add a lot more scratches/character. But, when I did the rear sights I used leather & kydex to protect the finish from the aluminum blocks of the sight-pusher.

This photo shows how hard I pressed on the sights, to mess up the side of steel sights, I’m guessing hundreds of pounds per square inch (PSI).
I put my bore-laser in and it was super close. Before I started, I marked with a mechanical pencil the default sights, so I could install the night sights to the same line.
It was off just a little, so I adjusted the rear sight a little and put the laser back in and it was spot on. I adjusted every so slightly, as soon as I could perceive it moving; I stopped and put the laser in to re-check.
Based on 30-40 night sight installs, this laser has proven to be the magic. Of course we validate/confirm on paper.
Also looking for a shoulder holster for mine, any updates?
if you order a xdm 10 holster, I’ll get it shipped ASAP.
yes, the spectre shoulder holster is awesome for the xdm 10mm, however for rigorous hiking I dropped my xdm a few times and when I got home I added a chicago screw which added massive retention, which is what I like for the xdm 10mm. It really snaps out/in now.
I see gunfightersinc offers 9/40/10/45
glad they come in 10mm now, when I bought mine they didn’t, so I added some additional retention…now I don’t worry about my gun dropping out…EVER
Where can I find OWB holster for my Springfield 4.5, 10mm?
My foxy tuck holster isn’t a great hunting system, unless you want it inside the waist band.
I have one of these for my xdm 10mmhttps://gunfightersinc.com/spectre-shoulder-holster/
I also have one for my sig p320 in .357 sig
hunting with a pack/rifle, I think I would choose:https://gunfightersinc.com/kenai-chest-holster/
I have a similar one for my 454
does that help?