Prices too low to advertise online (I BEAT AMAZON PRICES!).
FYI, I prefer to ONLY service Utah.
We are currently doing a groupbuy (expect a 15-20% discount and split shipping). deadline is Feb 8th, 2019 to have your pre-order in.
Please CONTACT us with the URL/LINK of the secureit product you are interested in.
Our recommended Gun Storage solution for small or large; tactical or hunting safes is SecureIT.
Most people are going to want/need:
- Agile 52 Bundle (currently onsale)
- groupbuy with split shipping is $550 delivered. group-buy ends Feb8th
- or Agile 52
- groupbuy with split shipping is $525 delivered. group-buy ends Feb8th
- Fastbox
- $275 delivered with group-buy and splitting shipping, group-buy ends Feb8th
- Advantages of fastbox.
- buy two and put guns in different locations
- vehicle secure storage
- use vertical or horizontal. if vertical, there is a vertical kit that greatly enhances organization.
I have two Agile 52, they are easy to assemble, ship flat and I love being able to have one combo for my son and one for me. One is in my 20 year old son’s room and the other is right next to my bed. The large safe is a long ways away from where I sleep.
I’m ordering a 47″ fastbox to go in my motorhome. These are also great for trucks/vans, under beds and can be mounted vertically or horizontally.

Here is my 52″ agile with 11 peg pistol organizer. Here is my EDC pistols, cowboy guns (dry practicing in my bedroom) and 3 home-defense long guns.
(motion activated LED light, magnetic, powered by AAA batteries)
- go-magnets are great for storing pistols on the inside of the door
- yes, I can beat amazon prices for go-magnets if I don’t need to ship to you.

stored with holster 🙂
I no longer do group-buys or sales of bluedot safes for the following reasons.
- Shipping is cost prohibitive.
- I prefer the secureit “options”
- more portable
- more shippable
- no harmful chemicals inside the safe that will damage your guns
- better modular system
- better organization
- do NOT put all your eggs in one-basket (decentralized storage).
For pistol gun safe
we recommend LockSaf Personal Biometric Safe (no longer available).

LOCKSAF Personal Biometric Safe
Read these reviews
Watch this youtube video of this safe at a recent hacker conference (Defcon).
I suggest you skip to about minute 19 in the youtube video:
another good bet is fortknox pistol box: