I warned my LFD newsletter of this virus Jan 31, 2020.

Jan 31st seems like a long time ago, but that is when I sent the first warning email about this virus. Thanks Jeff for the heads up on the corona virus.
I’ve had a few people thank me, that are major preppers.  Getting a few last minute preps squared away.
If you claim you are a prepper and you are going to the store last minute to get items to go 2-6 weeks….I got news for you, you have not been preparing for life.Being prepared means you are prepared for all emergencies.  job loss, sickness, car wreck….or man made ones or natural disasters.

I’m not too much into following the gov media with their propaganda.
Here are some of the sources I look to for info:Details from an expert, not the gov media!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3URhJx0NSw


John P:https://www.wealthsteading.com/308-2/
Jack S. recommended a product similar to this:https://amzn.to/2W9gjz6


Just like stepping on a snake, if you under react when you “assume” is a stick…and it turns out to be a snake you get hurt!If you over react, because you think every stick is a snake…you wear yourself out.
having the correct response by not over reacting and not under reacting.
It may not be this time, but sometime we will have major event where we need to shelter in place for 30-60 days.  Take this opportunity to take notes on how to be prepared for the big one that is still coming.

My advice!

1. Mental – all things be prepared if our minds are prepared!take 10 deep breaths and use the best weapon/tool we have…your mind. Be mentally tough/never surrender!
2. Help your neighbors – we are all on the same team, spread love & kindness (be Christlike…even in the face of death….especially in the face of death –we are all terminal, prepared for this life and the next

3. start a gratitude journal  – write down what you are grateful for daily.4. live in the present and prepare for the future

to me, I’m grateful for the following

1. we home school, so our kids don’t go to the festering gov schools and get sick (physically and mentally)2. My profession allows me to work from home or remote. 3. We are pretty squared away.  We want to help those in need.4. The timing is pretty good, we are almost to the summer and that should help a lot. 
Things I wish I had1. bunker ranch 2. I’m pretty addicted to sugar and I know that affects my immunity. Maybe a 72 hour fast from sugar!  (I’ve gone almost 4 years w/o gov soda, so I should be able to do so).
I WANT TO HELP YOU! Please let me know how I can help you.My wife wants to give friends 20% off on essential oils via butterfly express.When I’ve been sick, have a hard time breathing so I can’t sleep…so I can’t get better. My wife puts essential oils in a diffuser and I sleep 99% better!
This is what my wife recommends:https://butterflyexpress.shop/products/monarch-diffuser-atomizing?_pos=1&_sid=7976711bf&_ss=r
combined withhttps://butterflyexpress.shop/products/sup-le-sup-deliverance-plus-essential-oil?_pos=4&_sid=753bf9cce&_ss=r

This helps me breath soooo much better when I’m sick!
essential oil GROUP BUY(20% off most items):https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11xok4qpP1zLFS_FxF6hFq2oz4WZI04ycByEHs4f8IGA/edit?usp=sharing

Better than unlimited supply of water bottles!


want to reduce your need of toliet paper by 90+%?https://amzn.to/3aT4ocV
I love mine! I thought the water would be cold in the winter, but it is just fine. Order yours soon!

oxygen in a can:


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One Response to covid-19 response

  1. Dan Butler says:

    Thanks for the post Thomas. Always love your take on these issues.

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