One of the downsides of the 10mm for a trail-gun or woods/predator defense gun is that there is no commercial offering for snake/shotshell loads.
IMO, the 454 5″ Ruger Super Redhawk is hands down THE BEST Predator Defense gun. Both for large predators & venomous snakes (45 colt snake shot is amazing!).
But, one downside to the 454 is size & weight and difficulty concealing. For that reason, I have a 10mm semi-auto when I need to go into the woods; concealed. I’m very hopeful for the XDM 10mm coming out in 2017! But until then, I have to “hold my nose” and use a Glock 20.
My Glock 20 has a 10mm, 40 SW & 9×25 barrel. So, I was thinking of an experiment of trying 40 SW snakeshot in a 10MM barrel.
THE RESULTS of 40 SW in a 10mm Barrel.
Patterns good at 8′, but may not be effective on a venomous snake at 10′.
The TWO shotshells I tested; BOTH failed to eject (FTE).
My impression is, the “casing” over expanded in the 10mm chamber, and thus failed to eject(gun closed on an empty casing, so it was NOT a brass high malfunction (type2)). The gun cycled enough to reset the trigger. I could tap-slap-my-shoulder and resolve the malfunction (Type 1).
Here are photos of the casings & pattern.
The author aimed at the square cut-out at 10′.
The author aimed at the orange circle at 8′.

CCI 40 SW snakeshot in a 10mm barrel @ 8′ and 10′
casings after firing 40 SW snakeshot out of a 10mm barrel.
Shooting anything but shotsell 40 S&W through a 10mm barrel is NOT recommended. For example, do NOT shoot 40 S&W FMJ nor HP in a 10mm barrel. I’ve seen people on youtube shoot FMJ 40 S&W through their 10mm chamber! NOT RECOMMENDED. I did not follow my own advice, and tried shooting 40 SW through 10mm Barrel, I survived w/o injury…but you likely will be injured if you ignore my advice & shoot the wrong bullet in the wrong barrel. One of THE most dangerous combinations is 40SW in a 9×25 barrel!!! YIKES!!!